Dragan Gamberger
External collaborator at Rudjer Bošković Institute , Zagreb, Croatia
Contact: dragan.gamberger AT irb.hr
dragan.gamberger AT gmail.com
Short CV
List of publications (1993-2020)
bib.irb.hr for D.Gamberger
Scopus ID 7004352584
ORCID 0000-0002-9008-6156
Novel machine learning tools implemented as public web applications
Handbook: Data Mining for Knowledge Discovery (in Croatian)
by D.Gamberger
Book: Foundations of Rule Learnig
by J.Fuernkranz, D.Gamberger, and N.Lavrac
Recent publications
- Gamberger, D., Stare, T., Miljkovic,, D., Gruden, K., Lavrac, N. (2019)
Discovery of relevant response in infected potato plants from time series of gene expression data .
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extratraction 1(1): 400-413.
- Gamberger, D., Lavrac, N., Srivatsa, S., Tanzi, R. E., Doraiswamy, P. M. (2017)
Identification of clusters of rapid and slow decliners among subjects at risk for Alzheimers
disease. Scientfic Reports 7:6763-1-6763-12
- Gamberger, D., Zenko, B., Lavrac, N. (2017)
Exploratory Clustering for Patient Subpopulation Discovery. In Proc. of EFMI 2017: Informatics for Health: Connected Citizen-Led Wellness and Population Health, pp.101-105.
- Gamberger, D., Zenko, B., Mitelpunkt, A., Lavrac, N. (2016)
Homogeneous clusters of Alzheimer’s disease patient population. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 15(Suppl 1):78.
- Gamberger, D., Zenko, B., Mitelpunkt, A., Schachar, N., Lavrac, N. (2016)
Clusters of male and female Alzheimer’s disease patients in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database. Brain Informatics, web publication.
- Gamberger, D., Zenko, B., Mitelpunkt, A., Lavrac, N.(2015)
Identification of gender
specific biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. In Proc. of Brain Informatics and Health, BIH 2015, pp.57-66.
- Gamberger, D., Zenko, B., Mitelpunkt, A., Lavrac, N.(2015)
Multilayer clustering: Biomarker driven segmentation of Alzheimer's disease patient population. Proceedings of Int. Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, IWBBIO 2015, pp.134-145.
- Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., Brennan, L., Sweitzer, M. (2014)
Ex-ante assessment of an EU-China free trade agreement. In Proceedings, Vrontis, Weber, Tsoukatos (Eds.), 7th EuroMed Conference - The Future of Entrepreneurship,
Kristiansand, Norway. EuroMed Press.
- Gamberger, D., Mihelcic, M., Lavrac, N. (2014)
Multilayer clustering: A discovery experiment on country level trading data. .
Discovery Science 2014 Conference Proceedings, Springer, pp 87-98 .
- Sluban, B., Gamberger, D., Lavrac, N. (2014)
Ensemble-based noise detection: noise ranking and visual performance evaluation..
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 28:265-303.
Previous projects
- "Machine learning algorithms for insightful analysis of complex data structures" (Croatian Science Foundation) 2014-2016, project leader
- "Machine Learning Algorithms and their Applications" (Croatian national project) 2007-2011, project leader
- "Computational Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Applications" (Croatian national program) 2007-2011, program leader
- European FP7 project “Learning from massive, incompletely annotated, and structured data” 2014-2017, researcher