by: Drazen Lucanin (drazen.lucanin at
The IMF publishes a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators.
Collected on a national level.
Topics include:
A topic-based data listing that can be browsed is available on the IMF data site.
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) - the CPIS collects information on the stock of cross-border holdings of equities and long- and short-term debt securities broken down by the economy of residence of the issuer.
Downloadable in CVS an XLS.
Similar to other such tools (e.g. the World bank's eAtlas). The data can be exported from the IMF Data Mapper tool as well.
The IMF eLibrary is something similar to the above, with an emphasis on providing profiles for individual countries.
It also allows exports to XLS.
It is implemented in Microsoft Silverlight, meaning it can only be viewed in Windows (doesn't work with the open source Mono Moonlight implementation).
Also on a national level, as most of the other data sources. A good thing is that it contains tables of investment assets for each individual country, showing which other countries have invested in it - not only single values for national indicators, but a whole table.
Again, seems to be no API.